Customer Mapping / Ticket Sync

I signed up for the EAP but I'm not seeing the ticketing option after enabling billing sync. Additionally the customer mapping isn't working for all of my monthly customers, namely ourselves. I tried to enable billing sync on one of our customers and received an error regarding an addition object - I presume that it won't sync unless there's a Sophos line item. Does that also prevent ticket sync from enabling?

How is the list of available customers selected? I turned on debug logging for the API user and it appears that maybe we're only grabbing the procurement catalog and active agreements, but not a full customer list. We obviously don't have an agreement for ourselves in ConnectWise, but we definitely want ticketing to work.

CW Environment:

  • Self Hosted
  • Version: 2021.3 (93728)
Parents Reply
  • Thank you for sharing this, John. We will be evaluating next steps for the ticket sync capabilities based on feedback from you and others in this EAP.

    Just to clarify, if you did not use CW Manage for invoicing at all, you would be totally blocked from using ticket sync, because no agreement would exist... but since you do make use of the usage sync, how do you foresee using ticket sync across your Manage companies ? Do you see a scenario where you'd sync tickets for a company but would not sync usage for the same ? 
