Can't upload tenant CSV file

Under Settings > Deployment when I try to upload the Tenant CSV file I get an error at the bottom of the screen "Something went wrong; Please try again later." This happens for both the Windows and Mac CSV file.

Parents Reply
  • Hi Joe, I did receive the .CSV file, thank you.  Versioni 1.1.0 was only to address the browser issues.  Version 1.2.0 tentatively scheduled for next week will address the .CSV import in the following ways.

    1. Parse the .CSV file and auto wrap quotes around the script syntax suggestions in Column B
    2. Update documentation to advise to look for commas in customer names and if so, wrap with quotes
    3. Soft fail customer's that have commas in the name, but progress with the rest of the import
    4. Log individual customer row failures from the import under the activity logs section 