Enterprise Application Issue - Linked to recent maintenance ??

We use a SaaS based ticketing system, this is an enterprise application with SSO login and we use this process for many other SaaS based applications. 

We've an issue today whereby users are unable to login to this SaaS ticketing system resulting in a timeout error.  All other SSO and SaaS based applications work fine 

We reviewed all the policies - which hadn't been recently changed and they all appeared fine, however the only way to get this application working was to remove the agent, re-install a newly download version of the endpoint software from Central and then re-install this version of the software. No other policies were changed. 

We recall that some "maintenance" was undertaken yesterday and wondered if this was linked. 

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[edited by: Gladys at 2:26 PM (GMT -7) on 26 Jul 2023]
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