Onenote false positives in Google Drive File Stream files stored locally on machines being detected

I have been having an issue with Onenote files being detected as false positives and to prevent half of the detections from happening, I excluded all onenote files with the file extensions *.onepkg and *.one.backupconsctruction globally regardless of the path.

What is happening now is that these files are still getting removed in Google Drive File Stream paths in Windows, these haven't been excluded because these Google backup files don't have file extensions so it is not recognized in my whitelist/exclusion. Here is an example:

Manual malware cleanup required: 'Mal/OneBad-A' at 'C:\Users\Jerome_Powell\AppData\Local\Google\DriveFS\118151419556526923308\content_cache\d14\d23\35055'

How can I solve this issue?

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[edited by: Gladys at 7:18 AM (GMT -7) on 16 May 2023]
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