Anyone seeing occasional OLE init / hook failed errors from sandboxie?

In Windows 8 x64 using sb 5.31.4 and the latest chrome occasionally I see this error:

SBIE2303 Could not hook CoGetObject (33, 1655)
SBIE2303 Could not hook RegisterDragDrop (33, 1655)
SBIE2318 DLL initialization failed for 'ole32.dll'

I don't know what it means. Everything appears to work normal. If I should report somewhere else please tell me where.

  • Yep, same issue in my Chrome.

    I don't see the option to start a new thread asking a question or reporting an issue here.

    But at least i saw the option to respond here.

    (I've been enjoying Sandboxie for 15 years with a lifelong licence. Tzuk even send me some emails in the beginning to help me before I began to post on the original forum.)

  • been having same group of 3 errors for a long time now, have been waiting for a fix. 


    i dont know what this error actually affects for me.


    but we have 2 laptops, both windows 10, but only 1 gets this message when use chrome.  i dont think ive seen it on the asus scar, only the gigabit p57.   both use windows defender not 3rd party.  latest sandboxie and chrome and windows updates on both.   the one it appears on, person uses facebook, but i dont on the other, so maybe some thing encountered online when using browser causes difference?


    hope it finally gets fixed. 

  • I've noticed that for example I go to YouTube, the issue doesn't happen. But as soon as I click on a video and it begins to play the Sandboxie panel with those messages appears. I always just click it away. And I have no idea if Sandboxie still gives me the same protection as before.

    As announced, volunteers will be given the care of Sandboxie as it becomes open source. Let's see what happens...

  • I've noticed that for example I go to YouTube, the issue doesn't happen. But as soon as I click on a video and it begins to play the Sandboxie panel with those messages appears. I always just click it away. And I have no idea if Sandboxie still gives me the same protection as before.

    As announced, volunteers will be given the care of Sandboxie as it becomes open source. Let's see what happens...
