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Sandboxie Lifetime Home License Fails Activation

I just installed the latest version of Sandboxie on a newly built Windows 10 64 bit PC and I cannot get my lifetime home license activated. I have the format XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX. I found a manual activation link and it requires a longer key. I gave it my Product Key, System Code & Version number and my license key was rejected. How do I resolve this?

Thanks in Advance.

[locked by: Barb@Sbie at 2:12 PM (GMT -7) on 13 May 2019]
  • On one of my existing PC (Sandboxie has been installed and licensed on it, Paid Version, for years without any problem.) a popup occurred, a few minutes ago, saying something like 'do you want to reactivate your license'.  I said yes, an error message was received and now Sandboxie has been deactivated on that PC.  It switched to Free Version on that PC.

    Please provide a solution for this licensing issue.

    Thank you.

  • What happens when Sophos decides it no longer want to go to the effort of supporting Sandboxie and maintain the licensing server?

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