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Guest WIFI network not working properly. Some apps not receiving data.


Sophos Firewall SG230 (UTM9)

Firmware version: 9.701-6

Access point AP-15 



I have connected several AP to my network, generated 2 wifi networks, 1 bridged to my LAN working fine and another (guest wifi) in a separate zone:

The devices (mostly mobile phones) connect to this network with no problem. The web surfing works great, no problem at all. I have this firewall rule:

I detected a problem with Iphone activation, it throws an "activation server is unavailable". If I connect to another wifi it works fine. After this incident I have detected some more abnormal behaviour:

1.- Twitter app doesn't update, but the notification works. After opening the app the updating icon moves until a message appear "Cannot retrieve messages at this time, please try again later."


2.- Netflix app doesn't work. You can choose your profile but after that it shows nothing. (screenshot below)

The weird thing is that I can login to twitter or watch netflix from a web browser in a device connected to the same wifi (guest). So it clearly is a problem with the mobile apps.

Any hints to solve this problem?


Thanks in advance.


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