Anybody have some experiences with that?
I'd like to have a Powershell-Script that enables/disables Firewall or NAT Rules -> that means for example do this curl:
curl -X PATCH --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'Authorization: Basic dG9rZW46WmZqblZtZkd0bVppZ3lYRURLZkJRZWl1dnpqRUlTTFM=' -d '{"auto_pf_in":"","auto_pfrule":false,"comment":"","destination":"","destination_nat_address":"","destination_nat_service":"","group":"","ipsec":false,"log":false,"mode":"none","name":"","service":"","source":"","source_nat_address":"","source_nat_service":"","status":true}' 'https://utm.local:4444/api/objects/packetfilter/nat/REF_PacNatHttpsFromAny'
I did already search a little bit and I found out that I have to use the Invoke-RestMethod with Powershell. I'm able to do GET things with powershell now but I don't know how to do PATCH or POST Things with Powershell...
Anybody can help?
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