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Possible Memory Problem after Windows 10 1903 Update



Currently have Sophos Central with Sophos Endpoint running on several machines here, i was the first to update to the latest Windows 10 1903 Update and noticed after the machine sitting idle for a while that the above service is consuming a lot of RAM.


Any solutions to this?

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  • Also getting the same problem opened a case with Sophos but nothing back yet, pointless ringing support number as you wait for an eternity.

    The memory creep starts off slow with the reboot at 100mb~ but as it memory increases it leaks faster. This PC was reboot yesterday, all looked fine around 8:00am the process was consuming around 180mb, by 10:18om it was upto 2.7+ GB [:(]


  • I see Visual Studio in your task list, Norm.  My clients are all developers too, as is one of the first people to report this problem.


    We don't have any real link between any dev activity and generating these symptoms but it is something to look at.  Just cloning / building a project isn't enough on its own though.




  • Just rebooted and it's a;ready on the creep from 98mb to 101mb, I haven't started Visual Studio yet, interestingly when I browse that seems to affect memory consumption.

    Yes, browsing does affect it. Watched it creep as I open more and more tabs and viewed videos and news etc.


    Go from 101mb-102mb it snowballs as the leak gets bigger it leaks quicker.


  • Interesting.  Which browser? 


    I have a test machine set up with Chrome using a plugin to do random browsing of news sites and this has not triggered the problem.

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