Under Review

Install the Sophos Connect client through GPO

The script proposed in the documentation "Install the Sophos Connect client through GPO" (url: Install the Sophos Connect client through GPO - Sophos Firewall) it's incorrect.

The script to avoid reinstalling Sophos Connect checks for the existence of the %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Sophos\Connect\scvpn.exe file on x86 architecture systems and checks for the existence of the %ProgramFiles%\Sophos file if not \Connect\scvpn.exe.

In reality, however, the installation of Sophos Connect always uses the %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Sophos folder even on non-x86 architecture, consequently Sophos Connect would be installed again every time it is started.

Furthermore, the script does not check not only the presence of Sophos Connect on the system, but also the installed version and this makes it impossible to manage the installation of subsequent versions of Sophos Connect using this script.

I have developed a PowerShell script that allows the installation of Sophos Connect only if it is not present in the system or if the version present is not the correct one. You can find the script in the following repository on GitHub:
PowerShell/SophosConnect at master · ermannog/PowerShell (github.com)

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