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Sophos Enterprise Console 5.5.1 Install problem

I am reinstalling Sophos Enterprise Console 5.5.1 and at the Database Details screen I cannot access the Advanced tab to choose my SophosManagement user.  Error message is: The advanced page cannot be opened because of following error: The  network path was not found.  This is on MS Server 2008 R2.  I have already installed on this machine before without error but had to do a fresh install.

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  • Hi Kevin,

    I suspect there might be an issue with AD or DNS.  To narrow down the issue, can you try granting new user permissions to any file on the server?  You can do this by right clicking a file > Properties > Security > Edit > Add > Advanced.  This should bring up the same window as you've seen in the installer; we're simply seeing if we get the same error message outside of the installer.  If you do not get the same error and the installer is on a share, try copying the installer locally to the server before running it.

  • Yes, sorry that was the first thing I did.  The "Select Users, Computers, Service Accounts, or Groups" dialog comes up as expected in every other context I tried.  Only fails in this install dialog.  I also definitely have the install files on a local server drive, not on a fileshare.  The only thing I can see is the previous screen with the "System Property Checks" on it has: Cannot determine whether the computer has multiple network adapters. (which is does, but the configuration is exactly the same as the first time I installed successfully)  the documentation on that message leads me to believe that it wouldn't be a problem.

  • That's quite odd.  The multiple network adapters may be related but I wouldn't know what to do with it.  I did find a hotfix for something that may be related if you are also running Remote Desktop Session Host on the SEC server though if this isn't installed I probably wouldn't try the hotfix.

    If this isn't related I'd probably raise a case with Sophos Support.  They'll likely request an SDU log as well as a compressed Process Monitor log that is run while you replicate the issue.

  • That's quite odd.  The multiple network adapters may be related but I wouldn't know what to do with it.  I did find a hotfix for something that may be related if you are also running Remote Desktop Session Host on the SEC server though if this isn't installed I probably wouldn't try the hotfix.

    If this isn't related I'd probably raise a case with Sophos Support.  They'll likely request an SDU log as well as a compressed Process Monitor log that is run while you replicate the issue.

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