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AV Install Issue Server 2012



I'm having an issue getting AV to install on a 2012 server it seems to be getting stuck during the process, Is anyone able to cast their eyes over the logs and see anything obvious! 


I've checked the reg permission on the following keys and I can see bother Administrators & System have full access




2018-01-22 14:05:39 ExtractClassicConfig: Action started

2018-01-22 14:05:39 ExtractClassicConfig: Action succeeded

2018-01-22 14:05:39 PreInstallChecks: Action started

2018-01-22 14:05:39 PreInstallChecks: Action succeeded

2018-01-22 14:05:39 SetBootDriverStartupProperty: Action started

2018-01-22 14:05:39 SetBootDriverStartupProperty: Boot driver: not installed.

2018-01-22 14:05:39 SetBootDriverStartupProperty: Action succeeded

2018-01-22 14:05:39 SetClassFilterPresentProperty: Action started

2018-01-22 14:05:39 SetClassFilterPresentProperty: Setting class filter present property to: 0

2018-01-22 14:05:39 SetClassFilterPresentProperty: Action succeeded

2018-01-22 14:05:39 SetDriverProperty: Action started

2018-01-22 14:05:39 SetDriverProperty: PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE environment variable is: AMD64

2018-01-22 14:05:39 SetDriverProperty: Action succeeded

2018-01-22 14:05:40 SetProcessorProperties: Action started

2018-01-22 14:05:40 SetProcessorProperties: Action succeeded

2018-01-22 14:05:40 SetRestoreExcludedProcessesProperty: Action started

2018-01-22 14:05:40 SetRestoreExcludedProcessesProperty: SetRestoreExcludedProcessesProperty

2018-01-22 14:05:40 SetRestoreExcludedProcessesProperty: PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE environment variable is: AMD64

2018-01-22 14:05:40 SetRestoreExcludedProcessesProperty: Action succeeded

2018-01-22 14:05:48 CheckRegForNullDACLs: Action started

2018-01-22 14:05:48 CheckRegForNullDACLs: Action succeeded

2018-01-22 14:05:49 WaitForSAVService: Action started

2018-01-22 14:05:49 WaitForSAVService: WaitForSAVService: Walking system processes...

2018-01-22 14:05:49 WaitForSAVService: WaitForSAVService: Finished walking system processes.

2018-01-22 14:05:49 WaitForSAVService: Action succeeded

2018-01-22 14:05:50 CheckUninstallDrivers: Action started

2018-01-22 14:05:50 CheckUninstallDrivers: IsServiceInstalled: Unable to get a handle to requested service SAVOnAccess control. Returning false.

2018-01-22 14:05:50 CheckUninstallDrivers: IsServiceInstalled: Unable to get a handle to requested service SAVOnAccess filter. Returning false.

2018-01-22 14:05:50 CheckUninstallDrivers: Action succeeded

2018-01-22 14:05:50 DeleteIDEs: Action started

2018-01-22 14:05:50 DeleteIDEs: Action succeeded

2018-01-22 14:05:50 DeleteBDLs: Action started

2018-01-22 14:05:50 DeleteBDLs: Action succeeded

2018-01-22 14:05:50 DeleteHIPSConfig: Action started

2018-01-22 14:05:50 DeleteHIPSConfig: Action succeeded

2018-01-22 14:05:50 UpdateSavAdapterDll: Action started

2018-01-22 14:06:00 UpdateSavAdapterDll: Action succeeded

2018-01-22 14:06:00 UpdateDesktopMessaging: Action started

2018-01-22 14:06:00 UpdateDesktopMessaging: UpdateDesktopMessaging: Could not delete SAVPlugin registry key(2)

2018-01-22 14:06:00 UpdateDesktopMessaging: Action succeeded

2018-01-22 14:06:00 CopyOtherFiles: Action started

2018-01-22 14:06:00 CopyOtherFiles: CopyOtherFiles custom action - Copying other driver files

2018-01-22 14:06:00 CopyOtherFiles: Copying class filter source: C:\ProgramData\Sophos\AutoUpdate\cache\savxp\drivers\sdcfilter\win7_amd64\SDCFILTER.INF, target: C:\Program Files (x86)\Sophos\Sophos Anti-Virus\

2018-01-22 14:06:00 CopyOtherFiles: Copying boot driver source: C:\ProgramData\Sophos\AutoUpdate\cache\savxp\drivers\boottasks\win7_amd64\SOPHOSBOOTDRIVER.INF, target: C:\Program Files (x86)\Sophos\Sophos Anti-Virus\

2018-01-22 14:06:00 CopyOtherFiles: GetRidOfExistingDetoured - C:\Program Files (x86)\Sophos\Sophos Anti-Virus\sophos_detoured.dll does not exist, no further action.

2018-01-22 14:06:00 CopyOtherFiles: PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE environment variable is: AMD64

2018-01-22 14:06:00 CopyOtherFiles: GetRidOfExistingDetoured - C:\Program Files (x86)\Sophos\Sophos Anti-Virus\sophos_detoured_x64.dll does not exist, no further action.

2018-01-22 14:06:00 CopyOtherFiles: Copying boot tasks source: C:\ProgramData\Sophos\AutoUpdate\cache\savxp\drivers\boottasks\win7_amd64\SophosBootTasks.exe, target: C:\Windows\system32\

2018-01-22 14:06:00 CopyOtherFiles: Action succeeded

2018-01-22 14:06:00 RegisterBufferOverflowProtection: Action started

2018-01-22 14:06:00 RegisterBufferOverflowProtection: BopsUnregister: could not get short path to DLL. It will not be unregistered.

2018-01-22 14:06:00 RegisterBufferOverflowProtection: GetRidOfExistingDetoured - C:\Program Files (x86)\Sophos\Sophos Anti-Virus\detoured.dll does not exist, no further action.

2018-01-22 14:06:00 RegisterBufferOverflowProtection: BOPS path already exists

2018-01-22 14:06:00 RegisterBufferOverflowProtection: PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE environment variable is: AMD64

2018-01-22 14:06:00 RegisterBufferOverflowProtection: BOPS path already exists

2018-01-22 14:06:00 RegisterBufferOverflowProtection: Action succeeded

2018-01-22 14:06:00 RestoreExcludedProcesses: Action started

2018-01-22 14:06:00 RestoreExcludedProcesses: RestoreExcludedProcesses

2018-01-22 14:06:00 RestoreExcludedProcesses: Empty excluded processes property. Nothing to be done.

2018-01-22 14:06:00 RestoreExcludedProcesses: Action succeeded

2018-01-22 14:06:00 StartDriverServices: Action started

2018-01-22 14:06:00 StartDriverServices: IsServiceRunning: Unable to get a handle to requested service skmscan. Returning false.

2018-01-22 14:06:00 StartDriverServices: Unable to get a handle to kms service - service will not be started until next reboot

2018-01-22 14:06:00 StartDriverServices: Action succeeded

2018-01-22 14:06:01 CreateUserGroups: Action started

2018-01-22 14:06:02 CreateUserGroups: Local name of well-known group Administrators is Administrators

2018-01-22 14:06:02 CreateUserGroups: Local name of well-known group PowerUsers is Power Users

2018-01-22 14:06:02 CreateUserGroups: Local name of well-known group Users is Users

2018-01-22 14:06:02 CreateUserGroups: Failed to add the members of group PowerUsers to SophosPowerUser group

2018-01-22 14:06:02 CreateUserGroups: Adding LOCAL SYSTEM to the SophosAdministrator role in the machine file

2018-01-22 14:06:08 CreateUserGroups: Action succeeded

2018-01-22 14:06:08 PurgeIOfficeAVCache: Action started

2018-01-22 14:06:08 PurgeIOfficeAVCache: PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE environment variable is: AMD64

2018-01-22 14:06:08 PurgeIOfficeAVCache: PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE environment variable is: AMD64

2018-01-22 14:06:08 PurgeIOfficeAVCache: PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE environment variable is: AMD64

2018-01-22 14:06:08 PurgeIOfficeAVCache: PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE environment variable is: AMD64

2018-01-22 14:06:08 PurgeIOfficeAVCache: PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE environment variable is: AMD64

2018-01-22 14:06:08 PurgeIOfficeAVCache: PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE environment variable is: AMD64

2018-01-22 14:06:08 PurgeIOfficeAVCache: Action succeeded

2018-01-22 14:06:08 EnableAttachmentScanning: Action started

2018-01-22 14:06:08 EnableAttachmentScanning: ScanWithAntiVirus value is already set to 3

2018-01-22 14:06:08 EnableAttachmentScanning: Action succeeded

2018-01-22 14:06:08 AddDomainGroups: Action started

2018-01-22 14:06:08 AddDomainGroups: SophosDomainUser not found: (2220) The group name could not be found.

2018-01-22 14:06:08 AddDomainGroups: SophosDomainPowerUser not found: (2220) The group name could not be found.

2018-01-22 14:06:08 AddDomainGroups: SophosDomainAdministrator not found: (2220) The group name could not be found.

2018-01-22 14:06:08 AddDomainGroups: SophosDomainAdministrator group doesn't exist

2018-01-22 14:06:08 AddDomainGroups: SophosDomainPowerUser group doesn't exist

2018-01-22 14:06:08 AddDomainGroups: SophosDomainUser group doesn't exist

2018-01-22 14:06:08 AddDomainGroups: Action succeeded

2018-01-22 14:06:20 SetSAVAdminUpdateBegin: Action started

2018-01-22 14:06:20 SetSAVAdminUpdateBegin: Action succeeded

2018-01-22 14:06:20 UpdateSAVI: Action started

2018-01-22 14:06:20 UpdateSAVI: About to wait for event Global\!$_SAVI_!$$!_EVENT_$!__ReadyForUpdate

2018-01-22 14:06:20 UpdateSAVI: WaitForSAVIEvent: Could not open memory mapped file Global\!$_SAVI_!$$!_MMMF_$!__

2018-01-22 14:06:20 UpdateSAVI: Successfully waited for event Global\!$_SAVI_!$$!_EVENT_$!__ReadyForUpdate

2018-01-22 14:06:20 UpdateSAVI: UpdateRequest signalled

2018-01-22 14:06:20 UpdateSAVI: About to wait for event Global\!$_SAVI_!$$!_EVENT_$!__Suspended

2018-01-22 14:06:20 UpdateSAVI: WaitForSAVIEvent: Could not open memory mapped file Global\!$_SAVI_!$$!_MMMF_$!__

2018-01-22 14:06:20 UpdateSAVI: Successfully waited for event Global\!$_SAVI_!$$!_EVENT_$!__Suspended

2018-01-22 14:06:20 UpdateSAVI: MSCM version orig:  new:

2018-01-22 14:06:20 UpdateSAVI: Copying MSCM from: C:\ProgramData\Sophos\AutoUpdate\cache\savxp\savmscm.dll to: C:\Program Files (x86)\Sophos\Sophos Anti-Virus\savmscm.dll

2018-01-22 14:06:20 UpdateSAVI: Registered MSCM

2018-01-22 14:06:21 UpdateSAVI: SAVI dll was installed successfully

2018-01-22 14:06:21 UpdateSAVI: Action succeeded

2018-01-22 14:06:21 SetFolderPermissions: Action started

2018-01-22 14:06:21 SetFolderPermissions: We are running on XP or higher - adding LocalService to permissions on config files

2018-01-22 14:06:21 SetFolderPermissions: We are running on XP or higher - adding LocalService to permissions on config files

2018-01-22 14:06:21 SetFolderPermissions: Action succeeded

2018-01-22 14:06:22 CreateTamperProtectionRegKey: Action started

2018-01-22 14:06:22 CreateTamperProtectionRegKey: Action succeeded

2018-01-22 14:06:24 SetServiceXP: Action started

2018-01-22 14:06:24 SetServiceXP: Action succeeded

2018-01-22 14:06:24 SetSAVServiceSID: Action started

2018-01-22 14:06:24 SetSAVServiceSID: PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE environment variable is: AMD64

2018-01-22 14:06:24 SetSAVServiceSID: Action succeeded

2018-01-22 14:06:24 SetServiceSecurity: Action started

2018-01-22 14:06:24 SetServiceSecurity: Adding SYSTEM_MANDATORY_LABEL_NO_EXECUTE_UP to SavService launch permissions

2018-01-22 14:06:24 SetServiceSecurity: Adding SYSTEM_MANDATORY_LABEL_NO_EXECUTE_UP to SavService launch permissions

2018-01-22 14:06:24 SetServiceSecurity: Action succeeded

2018-01-22 14:06:24 SetServiceRecoveryActions: Action started

2018-01-22 14:06:24 SetServiceRecoveryActions: Action succeeded

2018-01-22 14:06:24 InstallDeviceControl: Action started

2018-01-22 14:06:24 InstallDeviceControl: PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE environment variable is: AMD64

2018-01-22 14:06:24 InstallDeviceControl: Action succeeded

2018-01-22 14:06:24 SetAdminGroupDescription: Action started

2018-01-22 14:06:24 SetAdminGroupDescription: Action succeeded

2018-01-22 14:06:24 SetPowerGroupDescription: Action started

2018-01-22 14:06:24 SetPowerGroupDescription: Action succeeded

2018-01-22 14:06:24 SetUserGroupDescription: Action started

2018-01-22 14:06:24 SetUserGroupDescription: Action succeeded

2018-01-22 14:06:24 SetOnAccessGroupDescription: Action started

2018-01-22 14:06:24 SetOnAccessGroupDescription: Action succeeded

2018-01-22 14:06:24 DisablePUADetection: Action started

2018-01-22 14:06:24 DisablePUADetection: Action succeeded

2018-01-22 14:06:24 DeleteExpiredCaches: Action started

2018-01-22 14:06:24 DeleteExpiredCaches: Action succeeded

2018-01-22 14:06:24 EnableJournals: Action started

2018-01-22 14:06:24 EnableJournals: Skipping journal action - server platform detected.

2018-01-22 14:06:24 EnableJournals: Action succeeded

2018-01-22 14:06:24 DisableWebProtection: Action started

2018-01-22 14:06:24 DisableWebProtection: DisableWebProtection: OK

2018-01-22 14:06:24 DisableWebProtection: Action succeeded

2018-01-22 14:06:24 DisableSxlLookups: Action started

2018-01-22 14:06:24 DisableSxlLookups: DisableSxlLookups: OK

2018-01-22 14:06:24 DisableSxlLookups: Action succeeded

2018-01-22 14:06:24 CheckSNMPDLLPresence: Action started

2018-01-22 14:06:24 CheckSNMPDLLPresence: Action succeeded

2018-01-22 14:06:24 UpdateSXLServerList: Action started

2018-01-22 14:06:24 UpdateSXLServerList: LoadSophtainerData: GetSophtainerSection(C:\Program Files (x86)\Sophos\Sophos Anti-Virus\SXLConfig.dat) returned 0. (180 bytes returned)

2018-01-22 14:06:24 UpdateSXLServerList: ExtractSXLServerConf: 0, 4, 4

2018-01-22 14:06:24 UpdateSXLServerList: Action succeeded

2018-01-22 14:06:24 GenerateSavMachineId: Action started

2018-01-22 14:06:24 GenerateSavMachineId: Sav machine id = F0C2170C-4E35-47B4-A426-858B11A47573

2018-01-22 14:06:24 GenerateSavMachineId: Action succeeded

2018-01-22 14:06:25 SetSAVAdminUpdateComplete: Action started

2018-01-22 14:06:25 SetSAVAdminUpdateComplete: Action succeeded

2018-01-22 14:06:25 RunPreLaunchScripts: Action started

2018-01-22 14:06:25 RunPreLaunchScripts: RunPreLaunchScripts: No entries.

2018-01-22 14:06:25 RunPreLaunchScripts: Action succeeded

2018-01-22 14:06:55 BootDriverStartup: Action started

2018-01-22 14:06:55 BootDriverStartup: Boot driver restored: disabled

2018-01-22 14:06:55 BootDriverStartup: Action succeeded

2018-01-22 14:06:55 RegisterDCIfEnabled: Action started

2018-01-22 14:06:55 RegisterDCIfEnabled: isDCEnabled: node not found: /configuration/components/DeviceControlManager/settings/enabled

2018-01-22 14:06:55 RegisterDCIfEnabled: Action succeeded

2018-01-22 14:06:55 StartSAVServices: Action started

2018-01-22 14:07:11 StartSAVServices: Action succeeded

2018-01-22 14:07:16 UninstallSecurityCenter: Action started

2018-01-22 14:07:16 UninstallSecurityCenter: Action succeeded

2018-01-22 14:07:17 RollbackInstallDeviceControl: Action started

2018-01-22 14:07:17 RollbackInstallDeviceControl: Action succeeded

2018-01-22 14:07:17 RemoveTamperProtectionRegKey: Action started

2018-01-22 14:07:17 RemoveTamperProtectionRegKey: Action succeeded

2018-01-22 14:07:21 RemoveSAVI: Action started

2018-01-22 14:07:21 RemoveSAVI: About to wait for event Global\!$_SAVI_!$$!_EVENT_$!__ReadyForUpdate

2018-01-22 14:07:21 RemoveSAVI: WaitForSAVIEvent: Could not open memory mapped file Global\!$_SAVI_!$$!_MMMF_$!__

2018-01-22 14:07:21 RemoveSAVI: Successfully waited for event Global\!$_SAVI_!$$!_EVENT_$!__ReadyForUpdate

2018-01-22 14:07:21 RemoveSAVI: UpdateRequest signalled

2018-01-22 14:07:21 RemoveSAVI: About to wait for event Global\!$_SAVI_!$$!_EVENT_$!__Suspended

2018-01-22 14:07:21 RemoveSAVI: WaitForSAVIEvent: Could not open memory mapped file Global\!$_SAVI_!$$!_MMMF_$!__

2018-01-22 14:07:21 RemoveSAVI: Successfully waited for event Global\!$_SAVI_!$$!_EVENT_$!__Suspended

2018-01-22 14:07:21 RemoveSAVI: Action succeeded

2018-01-22 14:07:39 DeleteUserGroups: Action started

2018-01-22 14:07:39 DeleteUserGroups: We are not a domain controller: Attempting to delete local user groups

2018-01-22 14:07:39 DeleteUserGroups: Action succeeded

2018-01-22 14:07:39 UpdateDesktopMessaging: Action started

2018-01-22 14:07:39 UpdateDesktopMessaging: UpdateDesktopMessaging: Could not delete SAVPlugin registry key(2)

2018-01-22 14:07:39 UpdateDesktopMessaging: Action succeeded

2018-01-22 14:07:39 RollbackUpdateSavAdapterDll: Action started

2018-01-22 14:07:39 RollbackUpdateSavAdapterDll: Action succeeded

2018-01-22 14:07:39 DeleteOtherFiles: Action started

2018-01-22 14:07:39 DeleteOtherFiles: Unable to get list of engine files from C:\Program Files (x86)\Sophos\Sophos Anti-Virus\engsync.upd

2018-01-22 14:07:39 DeleteOtherFiles: Unregistered MSCM

2018-01-22 14:07:39 DeleteOtherFiles: GetRidOfExistingDetoured - C:\Program Files (x86)\Sophos\Sophos Anti-Virus\sophos_detoured.dll detoured exists, proceeding to rename it & mark for delete.

2018-01-22 14:07:39 DeleteOtherFiles: PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE environment variable is: AMD64

2018-01-22 14:07:39 DeleteOtherFiles: GetRidOfExistingDetoured - C:\Program Files (x86)\Sophos\Sophos Anti-Virus\sophos_detoured_x64.dll detoured exists, proceeding to rename it & mark for delete.

2018-01-22 14:07:39 DeleteOtherFiles: GetRidOfExistingDetoured - C:\Program Files (x86)\Sophos\Sophos Anti-Virus\detoured.dll does not exist, no further action.

2018-01-22 14:07:39 DeleteOtherFiles: Deleting config file folder

2018-01-22 14:07:39 Error deleting file: C:\ProgramData\Sophos\Sophos Anti-Virus\\Infected\Low with error: Access is denied.

2018-01-22 14:07:40 DeleteOtherFiles: Action succeeded

2018-01-22 14:07:40 ForceDeleteUserPlugin: Action started

2018-01-22 14:07:40 ForceDeleteUserPlugin: Error deleting DesktopMessaging registry key. Returned error was: The system cannot find the file specified.

2018-01-22 14:07:40 ForceDeleteUserPlugin: Error deleting user pluging registry key. Returned error was: The system cannot find the file specified.

2018-01-22 14:07:40 ForceDeleteUserPlugin: Action succeeded

2018-01-22 14:07:40 ForceDeleteFiles: Action started

2018-01-22 14:07:40 ForceDeleteFiles: Action succeeded

2018-01-22 14:08:11 RunErrorScripts: Action started

2018-01-22 14:08:11 RunErrorScripts: Action succeeded

2018-01-22 14:08:11 RestoreMovedFiles: Action started

2018-01-22 14:08:11 RestoreMovedFiles: Action succeeded

2018-01-22 14:08:11 SetUpdateFailed: Action started

2018-01-22 14:08:41 SetUpdateFailed: Unable to create an instance of ComponentManager - SystemInformation cannot be informed of end of update

2018-01-22 14:08:41 SetUpdateFailed: Action succeeded

This thread was automatically locked due to age.
  • Hello TomHilton,

    the CustomActions log doesn't speak about an error as far as I can see. It looks like shortly after 2018-01-22 14:07:11 StartSAVServices: Action succeeded it decides to roll back the installation. What does the Major Install log say around this time?


  • Thanks Christian 

    these are the errors around the time, it won't let me upload the full set of logs due to them being too big!


    MSI (s) (B4:FC) [14:06:55:508]: Executing op: End(Checksum=0,ProgressTotalHDWord=0,ProgressTotalLDWord=217671972)
    MSI (s) (B4:FC) [14:06:55:524]: Note: 1: 2265 2: 3: -2147287035
    MSI (s) (B4:FC) [14:06:55:524]: User policy value 'DisableRollback' is 0
    MSI (s) (B4:FC) [14:06:55:524]: Machine policy value 'DisableRollback' is 0
    MSI (s) (B4:FC) [14:06:55:524]: Note: 1: 2265 2: 3: -2147287035
    MSI (s) (B4:D8) [14:06:55:805]: Invoking remote custom action. DLL: C:\Windows\Installer\MSIE080.tmp, Entrypoint: RegisterDCIfEnabled
    MSI (s) (B4:04) [14:06:55:836]: Invoking remote custom action. DLL: C:\Windows\Installer\MSIE090.tmp, Entrypoint: StartSAVServices
    MSI (s) (B4:D0) [14:07:12:196]: Invoking remote custom action. DLL: C:\Windows\Installer\MSI2079.tmp, Entrypoint: CAQuietExec
    CAQuietExec: The application has been successfully registered as a service
    CAQuietExec: The service started
    MSI (s) (B4:F4) [14:07:14:822]: Invoking remote custom action. DLL: C:\Windows\Installer\MSI2ABB.tmp, Entrypoint: CAQuietExec
    CAQuietExec: Error 0x8007042c: Command line returned an error.
    CAQuietExec: Error 0x8007042c: CAQuietExec Failed
    CustomAction SwiFilterRegister.11DACB83_28A7_4FA6_AF5B_C006E340C101 returned actual error code 1603 (note this may not be 100% accurate if translation happened inside sandbox)
    MSI (s) (B4:FC) [14:07:16:259]: Executing op: Header(Signature=1397708873,Version=500,Timestamp=1278636217,LangId=1033,Platform=0,ScriptType=2,ScriptMajorVersion=21,ScriptMinorVersion=4,ScriptAttributes=1)
    MSI (s) (B4:FC) [14:07:16:259]: Executing op: DialogInfo(Type=0,Argument=1033)
    MSI (s) (B4:FC) [14:07:16:259]: Executing op: DialogInfo(Type=1,Argument=Sophos Anti-Virus)
    MSI (s) (B4:FC) [14:07:16:322]: Executing op: RollbackInfo(,RollbackAction=Rollback,RollbackDescription=Rolling back action:,RollbackTemplate=[1],CleanupAction=RollbackCleanup,CleanupDescription=Removing backup files,CleanupTemplate=File: [1])
    MSI (s) (B4:FC) [14:07:16:322]: Executing op: RegisterBackupFile(File=C:\Config.Msi\59f2eded.rbf)
    MSI (s) (B4:FC) [14:07:16:322]: Executing op: RegisterBackupFile(File=C:\Config.Msi\59f2edee.rbf)
    MSI (s) (B4:FC) [14:07:16:322]: Executing op: RegisterBackupFile(File=C:\Config.Msi\59f2edef.rbf)
    MSI (s) (B4:FC) [14:07:16:322]: Executing op: RegisterBackupFile(File=C:\Config.Msi\59f2edf0.rbf)
    MSI (s) (B4:FC) [14:07:16:322]: Executing op: RegisterBackupFile(File=C:\Config.Msi\59f2edf1.rbf)
    MSI (s) (B4:FC) [14:07:16:322]: Executing op: RegisterBackupFile(File=C:\Config.Msi\59f2edf2.rbf)
    MSI (s) (B4:FC) [14:07:16:322]: Executing op: RegisterBackupFile(File=C:\Config.Msi\59f2edf3.rbf)
    MSI (s) (B4:FC) [14:07:16:322]: Executing op: RegisterBackupFile(File=C:\Config.Msi\59f2edf4.rbf)
    MSI (s) (B4:FC) [14:07:16:322]: Executing op: ActionStart(Name=CopySAVSyncFile,,)
    MSI (s) (B4:FC) [14:07:16:322]: Executing op: ProductInfo(ProductKey={65323B2D-83D4-470D-A209-D769DB30BBDB},ProductName=Sophos Anti-Virus,PackageName=Sophos Anti-Virus.msi,Language=1033,Version=168230914,Assignment=1,ObsoleteArg=0,ProductIcon=ARPPRODUCTICON.exe,,PackageCode={B11B63E0-A3EB-478A-AF04-AAE0B577AEB2},,,InstanceType=0,LUASetting=0,RemoteURTInstalls=0,ProductDeploymentFlags=3)
    MSI (s) (B4:FC) [14:07:16:322]: Executing op: ActionStart(Name=RunAfterScript,,)
    MSI (s) (B4:FC) [14:07:16:322]: Executing op: ActionStart(Name=CreateSavAdapterDllRegistryEntry,,)
    MSI (s) (B4:FC) [14:07:16:322]: Executing op: ActionStart(Name=SetInstallationComplete,,)
    MSI (s) (B4:FC) [14:07:16:322]: Executing op: ActionStart(Name=ConfigureSAV,,)
    MSI (s) (B4:FC) [14:07:16:322]: Executing op: ActionStart(Name=BootDriverStartup,,)
    MSI (s) (B4:FC) [14:07:16:322]: Executing op: ActionStart(Name=StartServices,Description=Starting services,Template=Service: [1])
    MSI (s) (B4:FC) [14:07:16:322]: Executing op: ActionStart(Name=SwiFilterRegister.11DACB83_28A7_4FA6_AF5B_C006E340C101,,)
    MSI (s) (B4:FC) [14:07:16:322]: Executing op: ActionStart(Name=SwiFilterRollback.11DACB83_28A7_4FA6_AF5B_C006E340C101,,)
    MSI (s) (B4:FC) [14:07:16:322]: Executing op: CustomActionRollback(Action=SwiFilterRollback.11DACB83_28A7_4FA6_AF5B_C006E340C101,ActionType=3393,Source=BinaryData,Target=UninstallService,CustomActionData=swi_filter)
    MSI (s) (B4:BC) [14:07:16:353]: Invoking remote custom action. DLL: C:\Windows\Installer\MSI30A7.tmp, Entrypoint: UninstallService
    MSI (s) (B4:FC) [14:07:16:353]: Executing op: ActionStart(Name=SwiCalloutInstall.11DACB83_28A7_4FA6_AF5B_C006E340C101,,)
    MSI (s) (B4:FC) [14:07:16:353]: Executing op: ActionStart(Name=SwiCalloutRollback.11DACB83_28A7_4FA6_AF5B_C006E340C101,,)
    MSI (s) (B4:FC) [14:07:16:353]: Executing op: CustomActionRollback(Action=SwiCalloutRollback.11DACB83_28A7_4FA6_AF5B_C006E340C101,ActionType=3393,Source=BinaryData,Target=CAQuietExec,CustomActionData="C:\Program Files (x86)\Sophos\Sophos Anti-Virus\Web Intelligence\swi_di.exe" -r "C:\Windows\TEMP\SwiRebootRequired.txt" /u "C:\Program Files (x86)\Sophos\Sophos Anti-Virus\Web Intelligence\swi_callout.inf")
    MSI (s) (B4:1C) [14:07:16:369]: Invoking remote custom action. DLL: C:\Windows\Installer\MSI30C8.tmp, Entrypoint: CAQuietExec
    CAQuietExec: driverInstaller





  • Hello TomHilton,

    well, it says that SwiFilterRegister returned an error, CAQuietExec gives the error from running a command (perhaps swi_filter.exe) as 0x8007042c - service dependency failed. Maybe the Windows Event log has some details. Don't have access to a 2012 to check what it could be.


  • Hello TomHilton,

    well, it says that SwiFilterRegister returned an error, CAQuietExec gives the error from running a command (perhaps swi_filter.exe) as 0x8007042c - service dependency failed. Maybe the Windows Event log has some details. Don't have access to a 2012 to check what it could be.


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