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Firewall Filter Error [80320012]


Wondering if anyone has come across this error before on Sophos Enterprise Console please. I have about 15 or so computers on our Sophos Enterprise Console where they are reporting a firewall error as 'Event Decode Unavailable (Event Number: "-535560190" Message Code: "" Inserts "80320012", "", "", "", "") [0xe0140002]'

After checking on a couple of the affected computers, I found an error in the firewall system log, which fit the time of what was found above. The error is 'Failed to update the filter rules, Error 80320012'.

This only occurs on some occasions rather than continuously everyday for example and I can't see any differences in the policies on the computers affected and if I tell the computer to comply with firewall policies set, no further errors come back.

Has anyone else come across this before and able to offer any advice please? I can't find this specific error anywhere from where I've looked.

Kind Regards.

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