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Deep Learning and Active Adversary Mitigation - "We're releasing deep learning gradually"

Does anyone know whether it is safe to run on Deep Learning and Active Adversary Mitigation?
Currently the policy shows them as turned off and I'm wondering if they will ever get turned on by default.
Computer Policy > Threat protection
New Deep Learning: Sophos Managed OFF
Active Adversary Mitigations: Sophos Managed OFF

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  • Thank you. That's helpful but in the setting for the Threat Protection policy the Deep Learning and Active Adversaty Migrations configuration sits about the "Use recommended setttings". They are separate configurable items and not subject to the "Use recommended settings" switch.

    Screenshot below may help. They are configures as "Sophos Managed (Off)". Is it safe to turn them on or shoudl I wait for Sophos to turn them on?