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Unwanted data control detections

We implemented Data Control policy and one of the policy I added is

       Ailment, disease and diagnosis lexicon (ICD-9) [USA]

This policy seems like detecting every thing , even job application which has no data which can flag this policy.

In Sophos Site I found this article

it seems like  this policy is still broken. Any ETA when this policy will be fixed?


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  • Hi BopBop and John,

    had the rule running for my machine and just two days ago the user guide for a NAS system triggered. Verbose logging revealed that a) there are at least 2341 expressions in the rule (the one with the said number matches for example hyperlink), the the required weight of 9 is not much, and c) all that was required to exceed it were 3 occurrences of arbitration, one of deficiency and 2 of mediation. Guess some little legal mumbo-jumbo will always suffice to trigger ... :smileyvery-happy:


  • Hi BopBop and John,

    had the rule running for my machine and just two days ago the user guide for a NAS system triggered. Verbose logging revealed that a) there are at least 2341 expressions in the rule (the one with the said number matches for example hyperlink), the the required weight of 9 is not much, and c) all that was required to exceed it were 3 occurrences of arbitration, one of deficiency and 2 of mediation. Guess some little legal mumbo-jumbo will always suffice to trigger ... :smileyvery-happy:


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