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Is there an issue with Sophos Intercept X and Internet Explorer 11?

We have seen Internet Explorer crash on every machine we install Sophos Interecpt X on. All of the Computers are Windows 10 (ver 1709).


We have had to change main browsers because of the constant crashing. On first opening it crashes on my own machine everytime. I have checked the LoadAppInit_DLLS in the registry and both are 0 (following on from another thread I read here).


Any idea what to try?  I have gathered some dumps of the crashes but don't have the experience to look at them.


Thank you


[locked by: SupportFlo at 10:57 PM (GMT -8) on 8 Mar 2019]
  • In our case our EHR only functions using IE because the client plugin were developed only for IE.  To replace our EHR would cost somewhere in the ballpark of $3,000,000 so I don't think that this would be a viable option for us.

  • Only IE11 fully supports all the functionalities of SharePoint 2013. As much as I would like to move to Chrome, it's not possible because of that.


    Also, as the IT Director for our organization and in charge of the help desk, we can't support all browsers out there. We only support one. That's a pretty standard policy for companies.

  • Similar situation here w/ EMR requiring IE to run...mainly due to Active X. Hopefully down the road this will change - but for now, we have 30 assets running Win 10 that are not able to run Intercept X. The Root Case Analysis feature was the main reason we purchased Int X, other than the anti-ransomware protection. 3 year term and we're unable to use the product as it was sold to us for many months now. 

    Funny, Sophos was tweeting about Int X  how its a good time to review how they have infused to power of machine learning and I responded, pointing to this thread - yielded no response.

  • Dustin Winger said:

    In our case our EHR only functions using IE because the client plugin were developed only for IE.  To replace our EHR would cost somewhere in the ballpark of $3,000,000 so I don't think that this would be a viable option for us.


    No, I totally agree that isn't feasible.  I know in the medical sector it's not simple to just make changes to your program; just sucks that when they develop such programs that only work with IE when their market share is pretty low.  Just a quick Google search shows Chrome has 60.14% and IE only 12.46%.

  • David Kirouac said:

    Only IE11 fully supports all the functionalities of SharePoint 2013. As much as I would like to move to Chrome, it's not possible because of that.


    Also, as the IT Director for our organization and in charge of the help desk, we can't support all browsers out there. We only support one. That's a pretty standard policy for companies.



    I'm with you on not supporting every web browser out there.  Without knowing the back story behind everyone having issues it's hard to determine if this was something that could've been avoided.

    I usually will do the 30 day trial (sometimes getting it extended) to make sure it doesn't interfere with any business applications.

  • OK, there's hope! Here's the answer I got today from a Sophos Manager:


    Hi David,

    This is a known issue and it is fixed in our April release (rolling out on April 19th) and is due to all Central customers by 1st May.


    Sam Barseghyan
    Sophos Technical Support

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  • I'm pushing out windows update 1803 today to see if the combination of that with the latest release version of Sophos Endpoint puts this issue to bed.

  • Any idea what version number contains the fix?  Or basically how can we know if we have the fix?

  • Having the same issue, Windows 10, IE 11 and our web based accounting app (which requires IE). I disabled web browser protection for now, not an ideal solution though. I hope they fix this soon.

  • We've had InterceptX disabled for about half our users for almost 6 months now.  I'm going to be asking about some compensation for this, like a comparable extension of the license term.  Pretty bad to not be able to use a product you paid for, for such an extended time.