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Sophos Central - Endpoint Advanced Agent installs very slow (almost an hour!)

I just created a trial account on Sophos Central and downloaded Sophos Central Endpoint Protection Advanced agent. (16-17MB)

It has been 60 minutes and the installation process is still going on. This is not normal. I have reasonable internet speed and avarage computer so performance or internet are not on the table.

On the other hand i have 40 computers those wait for installation. 

Is there any other option to install it like offline setup file or just install the product without updating at installation stage.


Thank You.

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  • Ditto.

    I also concur with what others are saying. But we are talking to no one. They really do not care...obviously.

    Installing an endpoint today...and the installer has been running for 30 min. And I am still waiting for it to complete. "Insert lots of swear words here"

    In the mean time, user is unable to do any WORK. Brilliant.

    So now the answer is>>> lets install MORE Sophos stuff to speed things up...but that will also take awhile. So in the mean time...Hurry up and WAIT.

    This product no longer deserves any of my time...PERIOD. 

    Endpoint Installation. Finally finished and it took 23 min. Then we log into the Central and what do we see??

    3:16PM Update succeeded.

    3:24PM Updating failed because WindowsCloudNextGen is missing.


    Absolute garbage.


  • Just to give a feedback from our side.
    At the moment we install all our clients with a script and the universal installer.
    We do not have the issues i mentioned earlier. So at the moment it is ok for us.

  • Hi Everyone,

    Please vote the existing feature request for offline installer if you would like to bring it back.


    Gowtham Mani
    Community Support Engineer | Sophos Technical Support

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