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Endpoint Protection - Peripheral Control

1. Can I see/add ModelName in Peripheral Exemptions table?
2. How can I change table collums size?
3. Can I export Peripheral Exemptions table to csv or other format?

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  • Hi  ,

    Thank you for reaching out to the Sophos Community Forum.

    1. If you’re referring to the list of peripheral exemptions made under a Peripheral Control policy, no, but you can go to Logs & Reports > Peripherals. Here you'll see the list of all peripherals, which ones are allowed, and blocked, as well as their details (Model Name, Model ID, Instance ID).

    2. Can you elaborate on this further and clarify what you're trying to achieve, please?

    3. If you're trying to download a list of peripheral exemptions made on a policy, currently this feature doesn't seem to be available. But the peripherals report I mentioned above can be exported to either CSV or PDF.

    Let me know if this helps. If I somehow misunderstood your questions, please let me know.

    Gladys Reyes
    Global Community Support Engineer
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  • Hi  ,

    Thank you for reaching out to the Sophos Community Forum.

    1. If you’re referring to the list of peripheral exemptions made under a Peripheral Control policy, no, but you can go to Logs & Reports > Peripherals. Here you'll see the list of all peripherals, which ones are allowed, and blocked, as well as their details (Model Name, Model ID, Instance ID).

    2. Can you elaborate on this further and clarify what you're trying to achieve, please?

    3. If you're trying to download a list of peripheral exemptions made on a policy, currently this feature doesn't seem to be available. But the peripherals report I mentioned above can be exported to either CSV or PDF.

    Let me know if this helps. If I somehow misunderstood your questions, please let me know.

    Gladys Reyes
    Global Community Support Engineer
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