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Outlook progressbar for copied attachments

Hello @all,

since the architecture change anounced in KB00043550 ( we have at most clients the behaviour, that i see a neverending progressbar from Outlook if i copy a file (from a network drive) via STRG+C / STRG+V in a new Outlook mail als attachement.

Progressbar shows like this:


if i hit he cancel button ("Abbrechen"), the attchement shows normaly in my new mail.

Has anyone else this behaviour and knows, perhaps, a solution for this?



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  • Hello @all,

    i have response from Sophos support: Problem is a known issue and will be fixed in the next release.

    As workaround you have to options:

    1) As Qoosh describes, you can deactivate the "Remote Files" Scanning under "Enable real-time scanning" in Central

    2) You can set a folder exclusion in threat protection policy in the Central for 


         as example:  \\FileServer001\PIPE\

    I used the second option and this worked for me. So, we have to wait for a updated relase which is fixing this bug.



  • Hello @all,

    i have response from Sophos support: Problem is a known issue and will be fixed in the next release.

    As workaround you have to options:

    1) As Qoosh describes, you can deactivate the "Remote Files" Scanning under "Enable real-time scanning" in Central

    2) You can set a folder exclusion in threat protection policy in the Central for 


         as example:  \\FileServer001\PIPE\

    I used the second option and this worked for me. So, we have to wait for a updated relase which is fixing this bug.


