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Management Communication won`t work


I am sorry for asking again but I have another problem regarding the communication between Sophos Endpoint and Sophos Central.


In our network we use an user authenticated proxy to connect to the internet.

I created a special user for the connection between the endpoints and Sophos Central. This user authenticates on the proxy without any problems.


These are the setting in Sophos Central:

After configuring the Proxy in Sophos Central I downloaded the windows client and installed it on several devices.

Unfortunately these devices can`t communicate with Sophos Central:


The PCs itself have access to the internal network and to the external internet.

As soon as I connect the PCs to an external network (without proxy) the communication establishes and works without problems.


Are there any errors I made regarding the configuration?

-I inserted our proxy settings with tested credentials into Sophos Central

-After this I downloaded the client software and installed it on our PCs

-The PCs can connect to the internet but the endpoint software seems to ignore the proxy settings

-I also tried this solution but without any effect


Thank you for your help!

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