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Sophos Central and Azure AD federation setup and behaviour

I've setup the Sophos Central Azure AD federation and am slightly puzzled by the process and behaviour.

It seems like an Admin or Standard user still has to create a password in Sophos Central before the Microsoft integration will work.

So, I’m not understanding the purpose of this integration if a user needs to create a password for Sophos Central anyway. It does defeat the purpose of a user using existing credentials. The user object already existed in the Sophos Central console so why did we need to create a password?

Other products that use Azure AD integration are happy to match against account ID without having to have the user create a password that is not used.

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Parents Reply
  • Hi Yashraj,


    I'm not sure how forcing a local Sophos password (which is then not used) is any more secure than just Azure AD?

    Either way, the user has to exist in Azure AD and in the case of Admin permissions, you have to explicitly define the user as an Administrator in Sophos Central.




