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What does Web Control's "Protect against data loss" do?

Hi all,

I'm trying to understand what the "Protect against data loss" options do in the Web Control policy. Documentation is lacking, unfortunately, and I can't even start thinking how to test the options out. What do they protect against? Which filetypes are checked?

And how do these options complement DLP Policies?

Thank you!


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  • Thank you Yashraj.

    I did sort of confirm the Web E-mail option: Setting it to block stops webmail sites from loading. Setting it to allow or warn allows access to webmail sites (I could see no difference between allow and warn - possibly because of HTTPS).

    I was less successful with file downloads, although I'm guessing the issue is that files were being downloaded via HTTPS, and another thread and KB notes that the agent does not do man-in-the-middle so it's may be an expected result.

    Thank you again.