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Unable to install agent Sophos Central in Windows Server 2008 Service Pack 2 - The Setup doesn't start.

Hi everyone,


I have a windows server 2008 Standard Service Pack 2


This server doesn't  run SophosSetup.exe and doesn't generate a log that shows the reason for the error.

I need help with this case because i need protected this server.

PD: I have run the Sophos Central installer as administrator and it does not start the same.

Attentive to your comments

Kind Regards, thanks for your help.

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Parents Reply
  • Procmon will help to narrow down what is happening in the background when you click on the installer.


    But first, I am curious and I think it would help, can you install and exe? Maybe there is a application you know is safe that has an exe installer and you can install and uninstall it just to check.  It would be nice to determine if it is specifically related to sophos or something else.





