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Being repeatedly logged out of Sophos Central


I am having an issue with both my partner account and also a Sophos Central customer admin account; I am being repeatedly logged out of Central; any idea what the timeouts are, if they can be extended or if there is an issue?

It is VERY frustrating to say the least; I am in the middle of migrating a 300 device customer and I would think yesterday alone I probably must have had to log back in 10 times I would guess when trying to find and resolved issue with machines.

I have tried this from multiple browser on multiple machines.


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  • Hi Daniel

    Thanks for that; I'll give that a try.

    Not exactly ideal to be having to doing that... in fact its probably scoring a massive security own goal as by having such a short timeout period and thus forcing users to find a solution like that of programmatically keeps the session alive in this way then your leaving effectively inactive sessions live and never timing out!


  • I agree with your points and that its not ideal. No warranties! :)

    Hope that helps you out.



  • If that works then I will be really overjoyed... lets just say that we have been trying to migrate our largest customer over from Enterprise Console for the last week and my fist has nearly ended up through my monitor on more than one occasions as its not even like it is a quick and easy process to log back in as a partner and get back to where you were.

    Its a real shame that Intercept X and Heartbeat can't work with Enterprise Console... in fact it is slightly ironic that that it seem the only thing that basically they can't co-exist with is Sophos's own on premise product!!!

  • No problem, with the solution as instructed, I don't get kicked out of the partner portal. The client admin session may time out, but I just browse back to the partner portal to launch again. You may need to add another rule for the client admin side, just FYI (I'm content with just the parter portal not timing out). 

    Central is the future... albeit a rocky start, it keeps getting better with every update. Hang in there! 
