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Sophos Home for Mac Still interfering with network drives with Big Sur

I've been running Sophos Home for Mac for years, but with the OS update to Big Sur there are constant problems with my network mounted drives. Some symptoms include:

  • trying to mount a network drive and being told there are no mountable filesystems on it
  • mounting a drive but being told that it is read only despite the permissions (and history) saying otherwise
  • being unable to create a new disk image on a NAS device because the device supposedly doesn't support it (which is false)

I thought that most of these were fixes with the mid-Januar 2021 update, but they were not. Some of the issues are intermittent (the same disk might fail to mount 3 times and then mount the 4th) others are persistent and consistent (my Photos library says it is read only).

The common thread: when I uninstall Sophos...all those problems disappear. I tried disabling Sophos temporarily, but when I turn off Real Time Protection in my console, Network File Scanning automatically turns on and cannot be disabled, so removing Sophos seems my only course of action.

Is there any hope that the upcoming release, for which the ssh issues are supposedly fixed, will address the above problems?

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