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Installing Sophos Home Appliance on Hyper-V


I am wondering why there is no direct link or whatever to get this information. Therefore I am trying to get support by the community.

I have downloaded following ISO file SW-17.5.12_MR-12-664. Created a virtual computer on my Hyper-V machine. Made the ISO file as the boot file.

Started the virtual machine and the installation process made the installation. After reboot I got below screen. Request password. I have tried admin and password but non of them did work. I have also tried to get access to the webconsole by local IP:4444 (both interfaces) from the virtual switch I have given the virtual machine. no luck. as well I have tried no luck again. I thouzght maybe I do ot need to enter password as the appliance is up and running already. no access at all.

So if someone could help me on that please?



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