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XG Firewall dropping RMM connection

Dear colleagues,


I am using a Remote Monitoring and Management (RMM) software to connect to a server at a different site. This connection has been working perfectly for over a year now until i 

upgraded my firmware from version 16 to 17.1. The XG firewall is now dropping RMM to the server. Can someone please explain and help me result this issue? Please find below the log on the firewall which blocks the connection. 

messageid="01001" log_type="Firewall" log_component="Invalid Traffic" log_subtype="Denied" status="Deny" con_duration="0" fw_rule_id="0" policy_type="0" user="" user_group="" web_policy_id="0" ips_policy_id="0" appfilter_policy_id="0" app_name="" app_risk="0" app_technology="" app_category="" in_interface="Port1" out_interface="" src_mac="e8%%55  55%%5:b6:49:ba" src_ip="" src_country="" dst_ip="" dst_country="" protocol="TCP" src_port="65356" dst_port="54197" packets_sent="0" packets_received="0" bytes_sent="0" bytes_received="0" src_trans_ip="" src_trans_port="0" dst_trans_ip="" dst_trans_port="0" src_zone_type="" src_zone="" dst_zone_type="" dst_zone="" con_direction="" con_id="" virt_con_id="" hb_status="No Heartbeat" message="Could not associate packet to any connection." appresolvedby="Signature" app_is_cloud="0"




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