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Sophos Anti-Virus for Linux command line option to use free version


which option can I use to select the free version of the Sophos Anti-Virus tool?

I try to install it via Puppet with parameters to have an unattended install.
I use the following command line.

bash --automatic --acceptlicence --autostart=True --enableOnBoot=True --live-protection=False --update-source-type=s /opt/sophos-av

After install via puppet can not use the update function due to missing credentials, which are automatically provided when I choose the free version via interactive install.


sudo /opt/sophos-av/bin/savupdate
Sophos Anti-Virus is not configured to update

But I miss the option to choose the free version. Install Sophos Anti-Virus
  --help                             Display this help information
  --automatic                        Perform an automatic installation, using
                                       default or command-line options
  --acceptlicence                    Automatically accept the licence
  --autostart[=False]                Start the Sophos Anti-Virus daemons
                                       after the installation [Do not start
  --enableOnBoot[=False]             Start the Sophos Anti-Virus daemons
                                       on system boot [Do not start them]
  --ignore-existing-installation     Ignore any existing installation
  --live-protection[=True]           Perform in-the-cloud lookup for
                                       suspicious files
  --preferFanotify[=False]           Specify Fanotify as on-access scanning
                                       interception method
  --SavWebUsername=USERNAME          Username for accessing Sophos Anti-Virus GUI
  --SavWebPassword=PASSWORD          Password for accessing Sophos Anti-Virus GUI
  --update-source-type=TYPE          Set the type of updates:
                                       TYPE=s Direct from Sophos
                                       TYPE=o From your own server
                                       TYPE=n Disable auto-updating
  --update-source-path=ADDRESS       Enable auto-updating from specified
  --update-source-username=USERNAME  Username for accessing update source
  --update-source-password=PASSWORD  Password for accessing update source
  --update-all-distros[=False]       Download ALL files from update source rather
                                       than just those required locally
  --update-cache-path=DIRECTORY      Directory for local update cache
  --update-period=HOURS              Update interval in hours
  --update-proxy-address=URL         Address for HTTP proxy



Is there any option?

PS: I want the GUI back. ;P


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  • Hi, 

    Please refer to the articles related to your query here. Let me know if this helps resolve your query.

    Haridoss Sreenivasan
    Technical Support Engineer | Sophos Technical Support
    Knowledge Base  |  @SophosSupport  |  Video tutorials
    Remember to like a post.  If a post (on a question thread) solves your question use the 'This helped me' link.

  • Hey, the manuals didn´t help. There is no explanation about parameters for an installation progress.

  • Hello Moerkey,

    can't say if the parameters have changed but this post might help to find the required switches. Don't have a Linux box right now to test.


  • Thx for the reply. Unfortunately it doesn´t help.

    I tried running it with the switches --automatic and the --sophos and --update-type=f but I get the response that the switch update-type is unknown.


    root@host:/opt/sophos-av-src# cd /opt/sophos-av-src && bash --automatic --sophos -update-type=f --acceptlicence --autostart=True --enableOnBoot=True --live-protection=False /opt/sophos-av
    Invalid command-line option: -update-type=f

  • I had a typo. I was missing a - in -update-type=f.

    But that doesn´t help eather. Now it says that the option only accepts the parameter s/o/n


    root@host:/opt/sophos-av-src# cd /opt/sophos-av-src && bash --automatic --sophos --update-type=f --acceptlicence --autostart=True --enableOnBoot=True --live-protection=False --update-source-type=s /opt/sophos-av
    The update type must be one of s/o/n.

    I tried it then with s buuuut then the installer wants credentials.

    root@host:/opt/sophos-av-src# cd /opt/sophos-av-src && bash --automatic --sophos --update-type=s --acceptlicence --autostart=True --enableOnBoot=True --live-protection=False --update-source-type=s /opt/sophos-av
    Updating directly from Sophos.
    Installation aborted.
    You must specify a username using --update-source-username=USERNAME for Sophos updates.

    I think there is a switch in the missing.


  • I had a typo. I was missing a - in -update-type=f.

    But that doesn´t help eather. Now it says that the option only accepts the parameter s/o/n


    root@host:/opt/sophos-av-src# cd /opt/sophos-av-src && bash --automatic --sophos --update-type=f --acceptlicence --autostart=True --enableOnBoot=True --live-protection=False --update-source-type=s /opt/sophos-av
    The update type must be one of s/o/n.

    I tried it then with s buuuut then the installer wants credentials.

    root@host:/opt/sophos-av-src# cd /opt/sophos-av-src && bash --automatic --sophos --update-type=s --acceptlicence --autostart=True --enableOnBoot=True --live-protection=False --update-source-type=s /opt/sophos-av
    Updating directly from Sophos.
    Installation aborted.
    You must specify a username using --update-source-username=USERNAME for Sophos updates.

    I think there is a switch in the missing.

