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Firewall XG Home Edition and Windows 7 PC

Is Firewall XG Home Edition appropriate for a standalone Windows 7 PC?

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  • Hello:

    Not on a VM. Perhaps I should explain further.

    I have two older laptops (both desktop replacements) attached to a Gigabit router. One laptop is running Win7. The other laptop is running Linux Mint with Cinnamon. Both laptops are running Sophos AV Home just fine.  The Win7 laptop functions as a peer-to-peer server at times for the Linux laptop, and as a standalone PC otherwise. 

    I ceased using Norton 360 last year on my Windows 7 PC in favor of Sophos Home (which I like a lot better). However, the Norton product included a firewall not included in Sophos AV (so I have returned to the Win7 firewall). I hoped XG Home Edition might supply the missing firewall component. (I use Gufw for the Linux firewall component.)

    Of course, my router supplies a hardware firewall, but I use the software firewall as a) an additional line of defense and b) the only firewall when I am away from the router. So now I have two questions:

    1) Is Sophos XG Home Edition appropriate for my Win7 machine use case scenario?

    2) If not Sophos XG, should I just use the Win7 firewall, or is there another recommended option?

