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Problems with Sophos UTM firewall home.

Hello, I installed on a machine this firewall but I have no access to the Internet or the Web admin. My path to access the firewall is But it never opens because I don't have the Internet. I tried the Windows troubleshooter but it tells me that I do not have a valid IP. The computer is connected as well: from the router to the firewall and from the firewall to my computer. If anyone can help me very grateful in advance. Best regards.

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  • I suppose the you can solve the IP address problem by assigning your machine a static IP in the same subnet as the firewall's LAN. I have an XG at home so I dont remember the exact installation steps - but I suppose  you have to manually select the LAN IP on which the firewall will be  reached when you install it. You can validate the IP on which the firewall is listening on the firewall boot screen. Assuming that IP is ; assign your machine with a subnet mask and gateway as Validate cable connectivity and you should have access to the firewall then. 

    To enable access to the internet for the LAN devices look at this video -

    P.S - If you don't really have a strong need to use the UTM product , try the XG.It has most of the features in the UTM product that you may want for home use. I found it friendlier to configure and easy.

  • Thank you very much! already solved. I have another question grc shields up does not complete the test well, it comes out ping reply. How do I solve it? Thank you very much. Greetings.

  • I would say that perhaps the router is responding to the Ping response and not the UTM. On the UTM check this -

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