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annoying pop up every few mins

I keep getting MICROPHONE IS ACTIVE pop ups from sophos,

constantly for the last few days,everytime i open a program,everytime i load a song from yt, its driving me crazy,sophos has worked fine for months now this


"Microphone is currently active"

"Microphone is currently active"

"Microphone is currently active"

"Microphone is currently active"

"Microphone is currently active"

"Microphone is currently active"

its driving me quite insane

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  • Hi Tamas, 

    An update on the fix for the above-mentioned issue is not been scheduled yet, kindly follow this thread or Twitter for more updates.

    Haridoss Sreenivasan
    Technical Support Engineer | Sophos Technical Support
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    Remember to like a post.  If a post (on a question thread) solves your question use the 'This helped me' link.

  • Hi Haridoss,

    Thanks for your reply, i appreciate it. The problem i experienced is gone now. That is, i experienced it only for one day. Should i be concerned? You say that no update by Sophos has been released, i.e., any change to the software Sophos installed on my machine is not brought forward by the company Sophos. Is that right? If so, could it be that mu machine is infected? Or, could it be that the software can exhibit such "autonomous" behaviour that this problem came up and then after one day it's gone??? I guess you and Sophos recognise the gravity of this question. I would very much appreciate some answer to this.

    Kind regards,


  • Has there been any news on the release of a fix for this problem?  I'm running Sophos Home Premium under MacOS High Sierra on a MacBook with an external Thunderbolt display, and I'm still seeing these annoying messages pop up quite frequently.  Would be nice if the capability to turn off the Mic was something offered as a solution (rather than just turn off the alert).