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No files with detections 867 issues found

I looked at the log and have no idea what off of the information means. i.e.

Below are just a few of the data that is shown in the log......

Sophos Anti-Virus
Product version : 9.6.6
Engine version : 3.70.2
Threat data version : 5.47
Copyright © 1993-2018 Sophos Ltd. All rights reserved.

Using IDE files:
delf-gli.ide pdfu-dqw.ide phis-bmd.ide rans-ete.ide tesla-dk.ide trikb-ap.ide delf-glj.ide age-axur.ide
docd-ltn.ide cerb-any.ide rans-ess.ide pdfu-drp.ide miner-eb.ide rans-etl.ide trikb-ar.ide emote-kk.ide
pdfu-drz.ide htmld-cq.ide spy-aoa.ide msil-krc.ide inje-cxc.ide dwnl-uwq.ide docd-luy.ide pdfphi-x.ide
phis-bmr.ide spider-j.ide phis-bms.ide fare-dze.ide hawke-qn.ide emote-kp.ide gozi-mw.ide chisb-tu.ide
injec-zc.ide fare-dzu.ide docd-lvp.ide docd-lvz.ide docd-lta.ide chisb-tx.ide phis-bns.ide chmdl-d.ide
miner-ec.ide darkk-ac.ide fare-eae.ide nanoc-uw.ide vb-jpd.ide shlcod-e.ide lock-acl.ide docd-lty.ide
rans-ets.ide rans-ett.ide chisb-ty.ide rans-etu.ide age-axva.ide age-axvc.ide msilk-aj.ide msilk-ak.ide




Near the end of the information I found this ..

2018-01-30 06:08:47 -0700 Files Scanned: 826522, Threats Found: 0, PUAs found: 0, Issues found: 867

This still does not explain what the issues are nor what I should do to correct the "issues".

Help will be appreciated,




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