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how to remove demo licenese

How can I remove demo licenses from SafeGuard Management server? I'm not using this but getting error message its exceeded the license usage and SGN server will not distribute policies to the clients!!


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  • You can either remove the client object which is using the unlicensed modules (ensure that the client does not communicate with the SafeGuard Server anymore in this case)  or uninstall these modules and keep the licensed ones on the client(s).

    After that, right click the root or domain container in users and computers and press "request inventory refresh".

    The license status should switch to "green" again and with that the server will start distributing policies again.

    Hope that helps


  • This is strange, why they give demo licenses and this problems, there should be an option to remove demo licenses from the server consol!! Hope they will consider in future update -J

  • Hi, does anyone have an update on this?  For some reason Cloud storage keeps installing on my clients even though I cant see in the policy, we don't have a license for this and do not want to use but it then uses the demo license resulting in over the license and policy updates being disabled.

    Surely we can remove the demo license somehow?

  •      You can use the SQL queries found in the following KBA to identify the computer taking up the demo license.  

    • KBA 109925: How to create reports in SafeGuard Enterprise
      • - Once you identify the computer with the demo license installed:
        • - Uninstall the demo module from the computer.
        • - Perform an SGN Client sync so the uninstall module reports into the server that it is now removed.

      • - From the SGN Management Console, recount your licenses and the demo license used should drop down by the number of uninstalls/syncs you have done so far.
      • - Once you clear the used demo licenses from use, your console will start pushing policy to your clients again.

  • We are having the same issue. I have identified the machines that are using them and removed them which fixed the issues until we tried to re-add them. The problem is these machines are being used out in the field and we still need them so was hoping after re-adding the devices it may then realize those are expired license's and use the valid ones but no. Sophos decides to re-issue the expired license's again putting us back with the same problem. I have tried to re-import the license file after the devices where removed but our license file for our valid license also includes the demo license's. How do I get a new license file with these removed so we can get rid of them completely. I have e-mailed your support a couple of days ago but had no replies and we need this resolved ASAP.

  • Still no update on this issue??