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Macs and Autologon with SafeGuard Encryption

Hi, I am a technician in IT at a university, and we're now implementing a new policy to use SafeGuard Encryption on all PCs and Macs.

We have a number of computer labs with either laptops or desktops, and while we want the drives to be encrypted, we also want students to be able to sign-in to the machines without prior authorization on the PC.

On the Windows PCs, we created a group for Lab use which uses Autologon at the POA, but then requires AD authentication for Windows logon.

However, we also have Macs, and from what little I've been able to gather, SafeGuard hands the encryption and POA tasks over to Apple's FileFault. However, FileVault requires an authorized user to sign in at power on.

Is there any way to still have the Macs be encrypted and not require a POA password? We still want to use AD authentication.

It does occur to me, personally, that this is probably defeating the purpose of disk encryption, however we were given this policy to implement.

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