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Decrypting all files and folders with SafeGuard Portable

Hi team,

My personal external hard disk was encrypted with SafeGuard Portable when I connected it to my previous work laptop. It has 350gb of encrypted data on it, separated over 100 or more different folders. There is no SafeGuard client on my personal laptop. I do have the decryption key I can use in SafeGuard Portable.

Now I want to decrypt and transfer all the data to my personal laptop, without decrypting every file and every folder one by one in SafeGuard Portable. If I select multiple files in a folder (in the SGP client) it will decrypt all the selected files and after that I can transfer the files to my laptop with the 'copy to...' function. This way will cost me days (every folder one by one) and is really inefficient. I hope that there is an easy way for this... Maybe there is a way to transfer all the encrypted files and folders to my laptop, and decrypt the files later on the laptop?

Is there a way do decrypt the whole device and transfer all data to my personal laptop it in a few steps? 

Best regards,


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  • Hi  

    Safeguard portable on the Flash drive does the decryption and it does it one at a time, hence we do not have any option to choose multiple decryptions. However, you can copy and paste the folder, but again, you will have to wait until the decryption process completes.

    Haridoss Sreenivasan
    Technical Support Engineer | Sophos Technical Support
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  • What do you mean with 'copy and paste the folder'?

    Just to check...someone told me that it may be possible to zip multiple folders on the flash drive to 1 zip file, which will be encrypted. After that you can choose to 'decrypt' the zip file and it decrypts all files and folders in the zip. Is that an option or doesn't that work?  

    If not.. I'm going to spend some days decrypting all folders one by one.