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Safeguard OS is loading now!

After the laptop passed the initial Sophos SafeGuard version 6.0 logon screen where the user types in their password, the Windows logo comes on then it went to the "blue screen" kiss of death.  The user then used a Windows 7 CD to do a repair then could not get the initial Sophos SafeGuard version 6.0 logon screen to come up.  I downloaded the Win PE SGN 6.0 ISO and created a bootable CD.  Did the repair MBR and was able to get back the initial Sophos SafeGuard version 6.0 logon screen, however it would get stuck on "SafeGuard OS is loading now!.  Reran the Win PE SGN 6.0 ISO again and did repairs on the partitions, etc., basically ran through all of the repair options and still cannot get past the "SafeGuard OS is loading now!.  We do not hookup the laptops to our Sophos server, but only install SGN Client.  Is there a way to slave the Sophos encrypted drive and pull off the data?

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