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Safeguard Windows 1804 Patch - Installation of SafeGuard Client with the patch default options


I'm looking to integrate the Windows 1804 patch to my standard install of the SafeGuard client when deploying to new workstations. As of now I use the VBS scripts to deploy and that has specific options such as specifically installing Challenge/Response vs. Standard bitlocker recovery keys, fallback options per OS, fallback for UEFI vs Legacy boot, and POA config options. 


The example given on the KB -

msiexec /i C:\Install\SGNClient_x64.msi PATCH=C:\Install\SGN8005Patch1804_x64.msp


If I were to deploy this to new computers would this attempt to enable Challenge/Response? Could I add a POA config file to this?


Here's an example of a more advanced command I use. I guess my question is, what configuration gets deployed when you don't include options with the SGNClient installation?

msiexec /i SGNClient_x64.msi /qn /passive /L*v PATH POACFG="POACFG_8_00.xml" /norestart


Can I attach other options to this command above, especially regarding enabling/disabling Challenge/Response? Thanks



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  • This was perfect. Thank you


    Here's an example of a command I created based on this info:


    msiexec /i SGNClient_x64.msi ADDLOCAL=Client,CredentialProvider,BaseEncryption,BitLockerSupport /qn /L*v SGNClientInstallation.log POACFG=POACFG_8_00.xml PATCH=SGN8005Patch1804_x64.msp REBOOT=ReallySuppress


    This command enabled Bitlocker on both Windows 7 Enterprise and Windows 10, includes POA config, applies the latest SafeGuard patch, is silent, outputs a log file, and does not force a restart at the end of the process. You will have to adjust the paths (make sure to include quotes if there's a space in the path) to each of the files as a stripped those from the command. 

  • Hi  

    Thank you for the inputs.

    Haridoss Sreenivasan
    Technical Support Engineer | Sophos Technical Support
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