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Quarantine all incoming email

How can I quarantine all incoming email based on AD group?  Is it even possible?

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  • Hi Kevin,

    for a fas rule, under additional rules create a "watch list" rule.. 

    under select user ..

    click on the "Include Recipient"  select the group in question and move it to the right.

    (this will make the rule apply ONLY to the included recipients)

    main action - select quarantine

    reason : if you use spam or bulk mail the messages will show up in user quarantine, if you select anything else the mail will only be releasable through the ui.  Normally I would use "keyword 2" as it is not used and you can search by that reason to show you all of the hits against the rule. 


    name it save it, move it to the top of the list.

  • Thanks that does work.  What about allowing whitelisted senders to get through that policy?  So if a user goes into their quarantine, and approves a sender, I would then not want that to be blocked.  Currently with that rule in place, even approved senders still get blocked.