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Certificate for SPX Portal--What Kind?

I'm looking to purchase a 3rd-party CA for the SPX portal.  What type of certificate should I choose when submitting the csr?



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  • the best way is to initiate the signing request from the appliance under the encryption menu.

    fill out all of the certificate information when you are finished it will store the private key on the applaince for you. 

    then get yourself a 5$ godaddy cert. (or any other real basic certificate)  they will sign your request, and you can paste in the response to the pending cert in the ui.   (make sure there are no spaces or extra lines)  once that's done the applaince will assemble the cert and you can use it by checking off the apporiate radio buttons.

    make sure you request .pem format.


    If you submit your own signing request to a CA you will need to assemble and chain the entire certificate. It must be exact or the applaince will  reject it.


    Once your all done, change the applaince to use the new certificate with TLS.. then goto (or similar) and test your appliance, you should see a pass and the certificate chain.   (the spx portal is invite only so you can not test it very easily)