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quarantine release


I was reading documentation regarding Quarantine release but I wasn’’’’t able to figure out how is possible to schedule quarantine release. Our current solution releases Quarantine report every four hours (even I can set it like every minute) but we have learned for example that Sophos UTM mail protection isn’’’’t able to deliver these reports as we wanted (every four hours). Anybody with input? Thank you,



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  • Hi Damiri,

    I think you are referring to the Quarantine Digest? this can be configured under configuration / accounts / user preferences / check off enable email quarantine summary.

    This will run a job that will scrap the quarantine for new items between the specified time, any user with items during that time will receive an email with a link to release the message.

    clicking on the link will create a new email from the auto-approve account once the email is sent the appliance will release the email in question to the user. (not you may need a rule to deliver said mail directly to the appliance if you are not routing outbound mail through the appliance)

    The other option is to enable the web quarantine access portal, this will allow the users to log directly in to their quarantine at will and provides a nice easy to manage gui system to manage their personal quarantine. (just ensure the fqdn:18080) is routable.
  • I will test this. I wasn't able to see this option.
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