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SPX registration

Could a view be created in the search for SPX that would show the date and time the recipient registered.   It would also be helpful if when an SPX password expired the recipients account was also deleted, at the moment the password expires after 90 days of inactivity, but if a communication is received by the recipient after that time then they are asked to re-register,  but find that they can't as their email address is still on the system. 

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  • Hi Heather,

    Currently there is no way to accomplish this through the UI, however I don't see why it would not be possible to do as all of that information is a flat file.  In this case the only option would be a feature request.

    In regards to the 90 days, you can make the number of days as long as you wish  policy / encryption / spx encryption / expiry settings.  change the keep unused passwords to 365 for example.