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Feature Request: More variables in the Time of Click protection custom email page (On behalf of customer)

I know that I can currently access the following variables when I'm creating a custom page for the TOC protection: 

I was wondering if it was possible to also have access to:

The senders email address
The senders email domain
The senders reply to address
The senders reply to domain
The subject line of the email

As a side note, we are mainly using the TOC protection to de-obfuscate links in emails, to make it perfectly clear where people are about to go to. I would like to be able to produce a page that shows people the senders email address and reply to address, along with the link they're going to and the subject so they can see at a glance all the information. This should make it significantly easier for our users to see "An email from 'Australia Post' is trying to send me to ... That doesn't seem right!"

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