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Dynamic IP addresses being blocked by the blacklist for secure replies

We have an issue, although I expect it applies to anyone using email secure replies, that if the recipient replies from a dynamic IP addresses, i.e. they do not have a static IP address at home or business from their ISP,  the blacklist IP check puts the email into quarantine. As this is the first check carried out for incoming email we cannot update the rules sets to allow it.


As we cannot whitelist every IP address, it has been suggested that we submit a feature request to have Secure Replies exempt from the blacklist IP check. This forum seems to be the correct method for submitting a feature request for email appliances.

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  • Hello Michael,

    Yes, this forum is the correct place for submitting queries and feature requests.

    And you are again correct when you say that even secure replies from dynamic IP addresses go into quarantine.

    All ISP’s report their dynamic ranges to entities such as Spamhaus. Any email server using the zen Spamhaus list automatically blocks all email from dynamic IP addresses to reduce the amount of spam that reaches their users.

    I have added my vote and comments to an existing feature request for this requirement. Refer below link :


    Aiman Ansari | Network & Security Engineer 

  • Hello Michael,

    Yes, this forum is the correct place for submitting queries and feature requests.

    And you are again correct when you say that even secure replies from dynamic IP addresses go into quarantine.

    All ISP’s report their dynamic ranges to entities such as Spamhaus. Any email server using the zen Spamhaus list automatically blocks all email from dynamic IP addresses to reduce the amount of spam that reaches their users.

    I have added my vote and comments to an existing feature request for this requirement. Refer below link :


    Aiman Ansari | Network & Security Engineer 

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