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Can an email that has been blocked be retrieved/looked at for analysis? I am looking to see what the blocked email contains. For example: links, files types, attachment types etc.

 I am wondering if there is a way to retrieve or look at a blocked email (as an admin) I am looking to see what the blocked email contains.  For example:  links, files types, attachment types etc.

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  • Hello Chris,

    In the Additional Actions section, you can configure extra actions.

    Select Add a log entry if you want events that trigger this policy rule to be logged to the message policy log. Events are displayed in the log as key/value pairs with the form user_<key>=<value>, where user_ is added to beginning of the assigned key. The message policy log is accessible through either FTP backup or syslog.

    • Select Add or Replace to configure whether a log entry will be added or replaced.
      If you select Add, there can be multiple entries of the same key, but with different values. For example, if multiple policies trigger, entries similar to the following will appear:

      If you select Replace, and multiple log entries with the same key are present, all of them will be replaced.

    • In the Key text box, enter the key that you want to assign to this log entry.
      Note: Keys will be logged with the prefix user_. Keys may only contain alphanumeric characters, or the underscore ("_") character.
    • In the Value text box, enter the value that you want assigned as the key for this log entry.

    You can choose arbitrary key/value pairs.

    Let us know if you have any further questions.


    Aiman Ansari | Network & Security Engineer