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How to configure DKIM Settings in SEA ?


I want to configure DKIM Settings in my Sophos Email Appliance (ES1100).

To do so, I need to fill the following 2 fields :

  • Key selector,
  • RSA Key.

I think I can fill any name I want in key selector but I will have to create a public DNS record related to this key selector.

For example, If I write mx1 in my key selector, I have to create a public DNS record named : ""

However, I don't know where I can find the RSA key.

When those 2 informations will be filled, will I get the access to the public key I need to associate with my public DNS record ?

Thanks for the help,


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  • So the first thing. ..

    do not  use some internet DKIM key generator.  (like the one at the top of the link below) the rest of it is fine.

    download openssl from MD5 Hash it to verify the download.

    then generate your own public and private keys. 

    also see for more information.

    In regards tot he appliance the configuration is simplistic.. simply add the apporiate information under the certificates / dkim menu.

    then under threat protection, add an outbound dkim rule.. click save..

    just make sure there is NO rule above it with a main action of deliver immediately.

  • So the first thing. ..

    do not  use some internet DKIM key generator.  (like the one at the top of the link below) the rest of it is fine.

    download openssl from MD5 Hash it to verify the download.

    then generate your own public and private keys. 

    also see for more information.

    In regards tot he appliance the configuration is simplistic.. simply add the apporiate information under the certificates / dkim menu.

    then under threat protection, add an outbound dkim rule.. click save..

    just make sure there is NO rule above it with a main action of deliver immediately.

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