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SEA Reporting - Report by blocked domain name?

I see that there is a report for Bulk Recipients by user name, and that there is a Senders-Blocked Connections report for relays, by IP address. Is there any way to run a report that lists all domain names blocked over a time period, and breaks it down by user name of recipient?

We have had a number of complaints of users missing mail that on investigation is sent by known high traffic remailers, that automatically get blocked by the BULK rule. I have been asked to produce a list of blocked domains that need closer inspection for false positives. So useful email domains that happen to use a blocked remailer service.


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  • The reporting is pretty limited for granular results. Under reports | Recipients | Bulk recipients - you will get a list of bulk recipients and you can export this.

    However to see more information on the sender you can use the Search instead.
    Search | Quarantine | Leave all fields blank apart from Reason | Select Bulk - this will allow you to see all emails that have hit the bulk rule. If you then wanted to look at all bulk mails going to you can just put that in the Recipient filed.

    Another option would be to use the backup feature and FTP the files off, and then use something like Crystal reports to generate custom reports on the quarantined mail.