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Sophos email appliance licensing

Quick question,

Is the licenceing for the Sophos email virtual appliance, per user or per device.

Many Thanks 



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  • Hi Mar

    In short

    The license is based on the total number of global human users.

    However I can not give you a legal definition.. the just of it is.. sea and pure message are  industrial site licences .. vs central (i believe) is based on mail box size.

    For example

    Lets say you have 25,000 people globally.. that would reflect your subscription.. suppose you had 250k email boxes and dist groups, no problem as long as they are deliverable then thats no problem.. like wise if you need to build a cluster of 20 appliance globally vi vm’s .. no problem at all just contact your am and get a second vm activation key..

    The sea license is designed to ensure the product meets industrial mail needs..

    Where as a schema like central is designed to be more efficient for small mailbox users.

    Just as long as your user count reflects your license count your good to go..

    Again this message is loose example and is not meant as a legal stance..  for complete information ensure you discuss your concerns with your account manager..