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How can I customize the SPX notification template?

Is it possible to put my company logo on the SPX encrypted pdf message?  Right now it has Sophos SPX, etc on it.



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  • You can create your own SPX template under Policy > Encryption > SPX Encryption. Logos can be chosen from within the wizard.
    'Encrypted PDF Options' has the cover page used for the encrypted email itself.
    'Recipient Instructions' has the header and footer image for the email sent to the recipient.
  • thanks for your reply. I guess my question should have been, how can I customize the PDF cover page?
  • I don't understand why this was marked as my solution when I clearly followed up with another question.

    I have followed the instructions in the SPX deployment guide but I am still having issues. I have modified the provided PDF file with Adobe Acrobat 9 and when I upload it to the server but I keep getting the message "Problem validating the file you have uploaded. I have saved the file in the 1.5 or newer format. What else do I have to do? Is there a document somewhere that explains how to customize that PDF cover page?

    Also, is it possible to put my company logos on the email quarantine page?

  • Most PDF files should work. What happens if you try using a .pdf created in word?

    And by email quarantine page do you mean the User Portal?
  • Creating the document in Word and saving as a pdf worked. Thank you.

    Yes, I meant the user portal but I saw in the forum here that it is not customizable.
