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License Expire - Sophos Email appliance

Sophos licenses for mail gateways expire in 2 days.


We would like to make sure that the Sophos appliances will continue to deliver / receive emails, even if they no longer carry out anti-spam or anti-virus checks.

We look forward to a kind but prompt reply.




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  • Hi Michele,


    That sort of depends on your license... there are several components.  AV/AS .. SPX .. Sandstorm .. so those will all stop without a valid license.  The appliance its self will stop processing mail 30 days from the lapsed date.


    If you need an extension I highly recommend you contact your account manager asap.   If your in a bind and can not do so.. install a trial version of the appliance .. It does not include encryption but it will work fine and update for an additional 30 days.


    another option would be to open a support case and request the engineer request an extension from the orders team, generally your account manager is the best resource