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Any thoughts about running SEA VM on SSDs?

Any thoughts about running SEA VM on SSDs?

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  • here are a few of my own thoughts why you would NOT want to use an ssd.

    #1 The heavy lifting is done in ram.. 

    #2 email files are generally very small, either rust or ssd can easily read/write 20k files nearly instantly to the OS

    #3 ssd's are better with read/write caches .. but in this case every email is written to file system by postfix id.. so there is no caching of files because the same file is written to disk as 1 name, delivered to the milter and re-written to disk as the new message id.

    #4 depending on your mail volume, you could be trashing your ssd's with thousands, or even millions of unnecessary writes.

    #5 the operating system does not support trim, so garbage collection and free-space recalculations would not be optimal.  



  • here are a few of my own thoughts why you would NOT want to use an ssd.

    #1 The heavy lifting is done in ram.. 

    #2 email files are generally very small, either rust or ssd can easily read/write 20k files nearly instantly to the OS

    #3 ssd's are better with read/write caches .. but in this case every email is written to file system by postfix id.. so there is no caching of files because the same file is written to disk as 1 name, delivered to the milter and re-written to disk as the new message id.

    #4 depending on your mail volume, you could be trashing your ssd's with thousands, or even millions of unnecessary writes.

    #5 the operating system does not support trim, so garbage collection and free-space recalculations would not be optimal.  


